Yesterday my family and I took a trip up the Florida Keys, from Key West (where the boat is for now) to Miami to do a little shopping and stocking up that we couldn't do in the limited stores of KW. I, of course, was stoked for this trip. I had a huge list of stuff that I needed because it was almost time for me to head home and start work again. I needed new work pants, skirt, heels, flats, and there was no way I was going to find those things here. KW doesn't have a Target, Wal-Mart, JC Penny, and the worst??!! NO BOOKSTORE!!!! They have a small Borders but they are going out of business and aren't bringing in anymore new books. I needed a bookstore and Miami was a ticket to said bookstore.
At the end of the day I had accomplished a nice dinner w
ith my family, found the make-up I needed, and bought 11 books. No shoes, no pants, no skirt...but I got books. All in all I was a happy lady. I figured, I work at a clothing store, I'll just buy those things when I get home, who cares if I'm pressed for time. I find I work best under pressure anyway.
Oh, yes, the books I bought. Here is a list :
'The Lightkeeper's Daughter' and 'The Lightkeeper's Bride' by Colleen Coble. (I adore the book cover for book three (pictured below) in this series and can't wait to read it. I figured that it was probably a good idea to read book one and two before jumping to book three though.)
'Love Finds You In Tombstone Arizona' by Miralee Ferrell
'Against the Wind' by Bodie and Brock Thoene (OH MY GOSH!!! I love any books by the Thoenes. This series is definitely one of my favourites. Book one made my cry. It was SO sweet.)
'Love Finds You in Camelot Tennessee by Janice Hanna
'Bathsheba by Jill Eileen Smith (This is a great series. The books are so wonderfully written. King David was always one of my favourite Bible characters and I think that's what makes me love this series so much.)
'A Cowboy's Touch' by Denise Hunter ( I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE anything by Denise Hunter, enough said.)
'A Heart Most Worthy' by Siri Mitchell (Amazing author. Her characters and setting are what make me truly adore her novels.)
'Book of Days' by James L. Rubart
'Mine is the Night' by Liz Curtis Higgs (I was told to buy this book and I always do as I'm told.)
'A Billion Reasons Why' by Kristin Billerbeck (This book was the whole reason I wanted a bookstore. I have been waiting on pins and needles to read this book and now I have it...*sigh* I am such a happy woman right now :) )