Tuesday, April 19, 2011

I should be going to bed, not blogging

Oh my, there are so many things that are forcing me to lose sleep at night. I'm not sleep deprived because I'm worrying, it's actually quite the contrary, I'm losing sleep because I am so excited. (PS: Can you tell that we are back in the USA?? We arrived really, really, really, early this morning.) *taps finger against chin* Where was I? Oh yes. Sleep deprivation.
The reason for my high level of excitement is because my life is taking some very unsuspecting turns and I am going through a big pool of change. I believe that these changes are for the better though, so don't you worry. I figured I could list these changes and it would save me from having to stay up all night writing an extra long post about them. Cool? Good.

1) My family and I have lived in RV's and now a boat for most of my life. I can only remember ever having one or two houses. This summer, it's official, we are renting a town house. This means I have a bedroom, bathtub, and a kitchen where more than one person can work in. I am very excited. This means that I can also buy furniture :) and I can decorate.

2)I FINISHED MY FIRST BOOK!!!! I can hardly believe it myself. I feel such a deep sense of accomplishment but at the same time I'm sad to see it come to an end. Am I going to try to get it published? Absolutely. I think this is God's calling in my life and I am going to follow this right up until he tells me otherwise.

I am literally falling asleep at my computer here. I need some sleep after sailing all night last night and into the morning. It feels really crazy that I'm flying home in only six days. Maybe I will post about this some more tomorrow. Sweet dreams all :)

1 comment:

  1. oh yay! You're back! Congrats on your book and house.
