Wednesday, July 27, 2011

my BIG news

Okay. I had told quite a few people (even ones who never checked out this blog) that I had some BIG news to share, but first, let me set the stage.
There are a few things that I feel VERY passionate about. They are as follows.

- God (like duh)
- Writing
- Reading
- Crafting
- Family
not necessarily in that order

Now, there are also some author's that I really enjoy reading. They are as follows.

-Ted Dekker
-Eric Wilson
Okay, I have WAY more fave authors, but for this post you only need to be aware of these two ;)

You will also need ONE more key word....Nashville!!!
Have you figured it out yet??
Oh, alright, I'll tell you..............

I'M GOING TO TAKE A WRITING COURSE......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but wait, it gets even better.

This course takes place in Nashville....the music and writing hub.
BUT WAIT, it gets even better.

TED DEKKER AND ERIC WILSON will be TWO of the speakers and I'LL get to MEET and SPEAK with them. Do you have any idea the kind of writing advice I will glean from these two geniuses???? It's gonna be CRAZY!!!

And the REALLY crazy part??.................I leave on the 11th of AUGUST!!!! I leave in like TWO WEEKS.....SO EXCITED!!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Okay, so I am really quite boring. I don't do a ton of stuff that's all that exciting. My favorite things to do are as follows.

= reading
=listening to music
=and cross-stitching

I know. You're probably thinking "Who cross-stitches anymore?" and "That can't be fun."
Sorry to disappoint you, cross-stitching is really fun. I guess what I love the most about it, it that you never really know what it's going to look like until it's done. You can guess and sort of see where the picture is going, but until you have stitched the last stitch, you have no idea.
I'm working on a really large cross stitch right now. It's going to be a gift for my parents. It's so difficult but I think, that in the end, it will look really fantastic.
This is the first cross-stitch of this size that I have ever attempted. In the end it's going to be a girl, flowers, and all this other stuff...I don't want to tell you too much because I want you to see it for yourselves. So, I was thinking, that as I slowly stitch towards that last stitch, I would post about my cross-stitcher journey. I will only be able to post a couple times a month because I don't have much time to cross-stitch very much with all that's going on right now....darn work, it really get's in the way of my having fun ;)
So I posted my first picture and hopefully their will be plenty more where that came from.
Happy Day to you all

Sunday, July 10, 2011


obviously this whole blogging thing has eluded me for the past few weeks! I must apologize everyone.
I sat down at my computer today and just felt like writing, this is not unusual for me, but I couldn't think of what I wanted to write about. Then it hit me. I wanted to share what this blog means. I wanted to tell you why I write what I write here at "Banana Blog".
This blog had started off as a joke. It was Canada Day and a bunch of friends thought it would be fun to start a blog, blogging random thoughts and tidbits about ourselves. Well, over the years, I developed this passion for writing. I wrote about everything and anythings. I love words and the blog ended up being a perfect place for me to write about the random thoughts that I have. I can write about the things I love and I can share how I feel through all these posts.
I love this blog. I have made some really concrete friendships and I have loved every moment that I have been typing away.
I want to say a HUGE "thank you" to all who have faithfully read these crazy, and on occasion very silly, wall posts. You are all so wonderful.
I look forward to writing more posts and sharing my thoughts with you.
Blessings on your day all :)

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Birthday and Anniversary

Today, Canada turns 144 years old. Happy Birthday to one of the most wonderful countries in the world...I am SO proud to call myself Canadian. I couldn't imagine living anywhere else.

This is also my two year blogaversary (is that what everyone calls it??). I can't believe I have been blogging for TWO years already. Crazy :)