There are a few things that I feel VERY passionate about. They are as follows.
- God (like duh)
- Writing
- Reading
- Crafting
- Family
not necessarily in that order
Now, there are also some author's that I really enjoy reading. They are as follows.
-Ted Dekker
-Eric Wilson
Okay, I have WAY more fave authors, but for this post you only need to be aware of these two ;)
You will also need ONE more key word....Nashville!!!
Have you figured it out yet??
Oh, alright, I'll tell you..............
I'M GOING TO TAKE A WRITING COURSE......!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but wait, it gets even better.
This course takes place in Nashville....the music and writing hub.
BUT WAIT, it gets even better.
TED DEKKER AND ERIC WILSON will be TWO of the speakers and I'LL get to MEET and SPEAK with them. Do you have any idea the kind of writing advice I will glean from these two geniuses???? It's gonna be CRAZY!!!
And the REALLY crazy part??.................I leave on the 11th of AUGUST!!!! I leave in like TWO WEEKS.....SO EXCITED!!!