Sunday, July 10, 2011


obviously this whole blogging thing has eluded me for the past few weeks! I must apologize everyone.
I sat down at my computer today and just felt like writing, this is not unusual for me, but I couldn't think of what I wanted to write about. Then it hit me. I wanted to share what this blog means. I wanted to tell you why I write what I write here at "Banana Blog".
This blog had started off as a joke. It was Canada Day and a bunch of friends thought it would be fun to start a blog, blogging random thoughts and tidbits about ourselves. Well, over the years, I developed this passion for writing. I wrote about everything and anythings. I love words and the blog ended up being a perfect place for me to write about the random thoughts that I have. I can write about the things I love and I can share how I feel through all these posts.
I love this blog. I have made some really concrete friendships and I have loved every moment that I have been typing away.
I want to say a HUGE "thank you" to all who have faithfully read these crazy, and on occasion very silly, wall posts. You are all so wonderful.
I look forward to writing more posts and sharing my thoughts with you.
Blessings on your day all :)

1 comment:

  1. It was so nice to see "Banana Blog" listed as a blog with a recent post in my dashboard! I've missed your "crazy and occasionally silly" posts!
