Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pride and Prejudice and a Romiller

I have been finishing up this last year of school (I'm home schooled for all you people who don't know) and only do a couple subjects a day. Math (not my fave), a Bible study (really enjoy it), and my favourite...a book study of my choice.

This year I chose Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. *sigh*. What a fantastic piece of literature!! I read this book when I was quite little and I realized this week that I was too young to truly appreciate this novel. I have been loving this study and find it's my favourite subject in school.

It's actually quite strange. My favourite genre of books to read is romance. I completely adore a good love story. Guy gets the girl and they live happily ever after. All that jazz. It tugs on my heartstrings and makes me smile, laugh, cry. It's wonderful. The weird thing though, is the fact that I don't enjoy writing romance. Nope. I prefer to write a good thriller. Which isn't all that weird considering I absolutely LOVE Ted Dekker, and Eric Wilson novels. When the story makes your heart race, your palms sweat and your eyes twitch ;) It's SO amazing. I love the thrill that accompanies a good book.

I had someone ask me the other day what genre my story is. What category I would place it under. It took me a minute to think before I could answer. I finally decided that my book was a Romiller...Romantic Thriller. I guess I couldn't make up my mind on which I wanted to write more.
P.S. I cleared 60,000 words the other day :) I'm quite pleased with how the novel is progressing so far. I can't wait to see what will happen with my characters :)

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