Thursday, March 3, 2011

My 5 favourite things

There are five things in my life that I find myself enjoying more and more each day. It's like I can't get enough of them.

1) Family. My family is incredible. They are supportive, fun, and encouraging. I hope that when I have a family of my own that we will share the same bond as I do with my parents and brothers and sisters. We do everything together it seems. We hate to be apart and I cherish every moment that we spend together. My little sister is my best friend and there are days when I wonder if she knows me better than I know myself. I think we laugh, cry, play, imagine, explore, and enjoy life more than any other sisters in the whole world. I don't think life would be half as enjoyable without her. Thank goodness God placed her in my life.

2)Writing. I turned eighteen last year and it seemed like the moment I hit that mark I couldn't shake the nagging thought that I had to start planning for my future. I had to find what I was meant to do with my future. Discover God's plan for my life. A few months ago I realized that writing was my calling in life. I can feel right down to the very marrow of my soul. Writing as become my passion. It might only go as far as being printed out on my computer but if God sees fit to bring me out into the world of publishing than I am stoked to walk that path with him.

3) Music. Music has always played a huge part in my life. I have always lived in small spaces with lots of people and music was my way of escape. Music allowed me to disappear for awhile and just enjoy the moment along. A lot of the things I do with my day I do with headphones in. Reading, writing, cleaning, school, all of it is done with headphones lodged in my ears.

4)Reading. Like music, reading has been my means of escape. I read when I'm happy, helping me to get even more joy filled. I read when I'm sad, enjoying the encouragement that I find tucked into the pages. I read when I'm confused, finding insights and knowledge. No matter what I'm feeling I know that I can find the right words safely stored between the pages of the novel in my hands. I also love how reading gives me the inspiration and encouragement on my own writing walk. Reading and Music, both have been a daily staple in my life.

And finally (But most definitely not least) number 5) My Saviour. Need I say more. Don't all of us love God more and more each day? Don't we all feel as if he has filled our life with so much joy and happiness that we are on the verge of exploding? I know I do. I can't imagine living without him in my life and can't wait for the day when I get to meet him face to face and have him envelope me in a warm and welcoming hug. God is my everything and I love him more than any of the four things listed above. He has blessed my life so amazingly and I don't thank him nearly enough. He has done so much for me that I don't think I could tell all the wonderful stories if I lived to be 150. :)

Many, O Lord my God, are the wonders you have done. The things you planned for us no one can recount to you; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be to many to declare.
Psalm 40:5 (NIV)

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