Thursday, April 28, 2011


Hey Everybody
This is just a quick post to tell you all that we made it home safe and sound. The flight was a piece of cake, we got grounded in Houston for an hour or so because of storms, but other than that, everything was good.
The new house is GREAT!!! It's small (to most people) but to me, a girl who hasn't had a house in years and years, this place feels huge. I almost get lost...okay...I do get lost. It's only three bedrooms, two floors...don't ask.
I would love it if you all would keep my family in your prayers as they travel home. They are going right through were the tornadoes hit and I pray that they have a safe drive home.
Blessings all

1 comment:

  1. Praying! I'm glad you like your house. I can't imagine not living in a house. It would be so weird... we have a five bedroom, (one is converted into a sewing/school room though) three bathroom, two story house. I believe we'd have to search for you in our house ;) I about felt lost in it when we moved here from our smaller house.
