Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Random thoughts from me

I have so many random thoughts running through my head that I felt it would be fun to share them all with you. There are ten random thoughts in total.

1) I finished my goal of 30,000 words today and was so proud of myself. Yeah Hannah!
2) I have been listening to 'Trailer Vs. Tornado' by Sent By Ravens and think it may be like one of the coolest songs ever. Love the lyrics.
3)I have started writing in my diary again and I am loving every minute of it.
4)It is so hot in Key West, Florida that I think I might trade with one of these people who have a couple feet of snow. (JK...I'm actually sort of enjoying this)
5)My Mom is making lasagna for dinner and I am so hungry that I think I might die if I don't get some soon. Again...Just Kidding (about the dieing, not about the lasagna )
6)I have been thinking about how different some people's lived are compared to mine.
7)I have been thinking about how much I miss home but at the same time I am enjoying myself here.
8)Thinking how cool it would be to live in a house and not a boat or RV! (I have such a weird life)
9)I have also spent the day thinking how amazing ice-cream would be...something with an insane amount of chocolate.
10) and finally I thought about my Big Bro and how much I miss him. Too bad he is home all alone...I won't get to see him for like four more months...*sniff* *sniff* He needs to get a job that gives him six months on and six months off like mine does. Stupid brother :)
I hope you enjoyed these thoughts of randomness...I sure did.


  1. And here I was thinking it'd be cool to live on a boat. Oh, and you can have my snow! We had ten inches on Christmas, you want it? I'll take warm - maybe not humid though.

  2. Ugh! I really don't like snow...you can keep it. Where do you live that you got so much snow?

  3. I live in N.C, kinda in the middle - we actully don't usually get that much snow, but I sware, gobal warming is a sham, and if everbody going green is what got us to the point of havin so much snow and cold weather than quick someone put in a fluoresent lightbulb! We have had record numbers of cold weather and snow. Last year it stuck around from dec thru the first week are so af march!

  4. Haha...so true. We were in Cuba for Christmas and I have never been so cold in my life. It was insane.
